
Nature has the solution!

We turn the intelligence of nature into solutions for your business

Amazu Biomimicry

"A 3.8 billion-year benchmark in Research and Development (R&D) at your project table and people development."

Amazu Biomimicry has been providing consultancy, education, and training in biomimicry, bioleadership, and innovation for over 10 years. We transform nature’s intelligence into solutions for companies and individuals through conscious innovation, biomimicry, and holistic sustainability.

We are pioneers in bringing biomimicry to Brazil and are partners with the American Biomimicry Institute, the Biomimicry Institute and Biomimicry 3.8.

We are a reference in the application and practice of biomimicry, conscious innovation, and sustainability through our consulting services, indicator programs, training sessions, classes, lectures, and mentorships. 

Our work in biomimicry, innovation, and sustainability is supported by exclusive proprietary methods and proven results.

We firmly believe that the future of business and leadership lies in the symbiosis between sustainability, profit, purpose, and innovation, and we bring these principles to companies, business models, and people development, to create value and results in a systemic way, positively impacting business, society, and the planet.

Nature has the solution!

Who we are

Giane Brocco is the Founder and CEO of Amazu Biomimicry. With over 10 years of experience in the field of biomimicry and innovation, she is a Certified Biomimicry Specialist by Biomimicry 3.8 (USA). She holds a Master’s degree in Production and Systems Engineering and a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Production Engineering. She studied Leadership for Transition at Schumacher College (London and Brazil), BioLeadership at the Amani Institute, and has a Postgraduate degree in Corporate Governance for Family Businesses from IBGC, along with other specializations, including ISO 9001 Auditor certification. Giane serves as a Counselor on the Future Leadership Council (CONLIDER) at FIERGS (Federation of Industries of Rio Grande do Sul). In addition to her role as a consultant, she is also a Speaker – and a TEDx Speaker, having spoken at four TEDx events. A pioneer in developing the field of biomimicry in Brazil, she was also among the first 100 people worldwide to be certified as a Biomimicry Specialist. She developed original and exclusive methodologies for applying Biomimicry in a combined Sprint format, also for people development through Team Building, as well as qualitative and quantitative indicators for ESG and other criteria, positioning Amazu as a global reference in biomimicry and innovation. Giane combines engineering with her passion for nature to promote innovation, creativity, and leadership through Biomimicry, and she is the one who coordinates and inspires our work at Amazu Biomimicry.


News and resources from Amazu. Explore the latest company news, stories, multimedia features, speaker highlights, and other rich resources–all inspired by nature’s genius. Amazu in the news:

Innovation inspired by nature​

Innovation based on biomimicry methodology makes companies more innovative and sustainable. Biomimetic solutions help companies align with new economies, new leadership principles, and ESG criteria, making them more creative and disruptive while establishing a strong market differentiator.

Our methodology​

Our CONSULTING methodology BIOSPRINT(c), an original and exclusive method developed by Amazu, combines Biomimicry Thinking + Systems Thinking + Sprint (Agile) to generate biomimetic INNOVATION within up to 5 days for a challenge presented by the client company. The BIOSPRINT results in an MVP (minimum viable product) to test and validate the DEVELOPED SOLUTION, along with technical support as needed.

In this way, we work on the creation, development, optimization, and improvement of products, processes, and systems.

Another focus of Amazu is PEOPLE and ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE DEVELOPMENT, applying the classic biomimicry methodology along with our original methodologies and tools.


BIOLEADERSHIP is essential for all leaders, as it promotes a nature-inspired leadership approach, integrating principles of sustainability, resilience, and systemic collaboration. Through training and Team Building practices, we help leaders see organizations as living ecosystems, encouraging practices that benefit both the business and the environment and society. This holistic perspective fosters continuous innovation and adaptation, preparing companies to face complex and dynamic challenges. By adopting bioleadership, organizations can create more responsible, ethical corporate cultures that are attuned to the needs of a constantly changing world.

Our consulting, training, workshops, and lectures, as well as mentorships, are strategically designed to EVOLVE your team and DEVELOP and GROW your business.

A SUSTAINABLE world already exists, and we translate these successful strategies from nature to co-create innovative solutions for your company and leadership teams.

But what is biomimicry?

Biomimicry is the practice of looking to nature for inspiration to solve design problems in a regenerative way. Nature as a model, a measure and a mentor when it comes to innovation.

That way, biomimicry can take its inspiration from the 3.8 billion years of evolution in nature – which is validated every day. It is the perfect bridge between science and the current demands of the world.

Bio means life, mimesis means imitation. Biomimicry is, therefore, a conscious attempt to imitate life’s genius, nature’s genius! Take a look at our presentation at Tedx Mauá to learn more about this type of innovation.

What do we do?

Discover our solutions for your company and leaders:
We transform nature’s intelligence into solutions for your business. We are convinced that the future of companies lies in the symbiosis between profit and a positive systemic impact: companies, people and nature.

What’s different about working with us?

Biomimetic solutions are for all types of companies and teams. Our agile and lean structure allows us to partner and collaborate on all types of projects, ensuring that our goals are aligned with those of our clientes. We work in smaller, horizontal, flexible teams, building the client’s capabilities in an organic way and with a constant focus on the results and impact generated.

We develop and apply strategic solutions for companies and people, exploring exclusive and authorial biomimetic methodologies (created by Amazu). We are biomimicry, innovation and sustainability partners.

Discover our services:

Bio Sprint©​

Exclusive Biomimicry Method, developed by Amazu, to quickly find (Sprint) an innovative and sustainable biomimetic solution for your company company (product, process, others). Bio Sprint includes a Biomimetic MVP to validate the solution.

Duration: 5 days (8h/day) + project follow up;
Indicated: for all types of companies and organizations.

Bio Leadership Workshop©

24 guiding principles from Life’s Principles for human and leadership development. From these principles we develop mindset, culture and behavior based on the connection with nature and the teachings of the intelligence of social organisms.

Duration: 2 meetings (8h/day) or 4 meetings (4h/day);
Indicated: leaders, managers, C-levels, teams in general.

Bio Branding Consulting©

Development of brand positioning and communication solutions based on the essential elements of biomimicry and sustainability. For strategic communication in order to connect the brand with the right people and companies.

Duration: 3 days (8h/day) or 6 days (4h/day);
Indicated: for all types of companies and organizations.

BioThinking Workshop©

Introductory training in biomimicry to learn to think biomimetically and bring the observation of nature as a practice to the search for solutions and innovations. The approach brings the initial practical application of the methodology. For those who want to develop new skills and mindset.

Duration: 1 meeting (8h/day) or 2 meetings (4h/day);
Indicated: leaders, managers, C-levels, teams in general.

BioPlay Workshop©​

It develops collaboration, union, integration and self-awareness, as well as a vision of present and future scenarios. “Imagination as a fundamental trait of innovative businesses”. Personal development and construction of a vision of the future based on the Metogologies: Lego Serious Play; SCRUM; BioLeadership Cards; Biomimicry for Social Innovation.

Duration:1 meeting (8h/day) or 2 meetings (4h/day);
Indicated: leaders, managers, teams in general.

Biomimicry Thinking Training

We help your company to create solutions that generate a positive impact for society, the planet and companies based on the BIOMIMMETICS METHODOLOGY – the official methodology. Biomimicry Thinking course, covers all biomimicry tools and the Biomimicry Thinking method. Includes project with practical application of the method.

Duration: 4 meeting (4 hours/ 3 days + 8 hours/ 1 day);
Indicated: leaders, managers, C-levels, teams in general (from all areas).


Mentoring aims to develop your leadership based on the concepts, mindset and practices of biomimicry and bioleadership. Using tools such as Golden Circle and IKIGAI to understand the mentee’s need and connect with inspirations for personal and professional improvement based on the concepts and tools of bio-leadership. Every meeting topics are co-created with the mentee.

Duration: 4 meetings or 8 meetings (online sessions);
Indicated: for all types of professionals.

Corporate Education & Events Talks

Lectures, classes, workshops and trainings aimed at training and inspiring people and developing leadership based on the concepts and practices of biomimicry, bioleadership, biomimetic cases and hands-on practices.

Duration: depends on the service required;
Indicated: for all types of events, companies, organizations and leaders.

Company as Forest Program©

What if your company worked like a forest? Application of Industrial Environmental Indicators, developed by Amazu, and inspired by nature that revolutionize the company’s management, processes and culture. Your company operating as a living system and objectively communicating its sustainability and ESG principles.

Duration: 3 months to 1 year (+ follow-up);
Indicated: for all types of companies and organizations.


So, wasn’t that what you were looking for? We will build the ideal customized solution for your project, event, opportunity and/or challenge.

Duration: according to the scope;
Indicated: for all types of events, companies and organizations.


Green Building Council
Biomimicry Institute

Customer Testimonials

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Nature thought of it first!

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